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Day 12-15: Fog and the uncrewed surface vehicle Kunniganna Queen

By August 27, 2024Arctic Expedition

Day 12-15: Fog and the uncrewed surface vehicle Kunniganna Queen

There have been three days of thick fog. Oden has been mapping inward into the mouth of the Victoria fjord. Today we have reached the southern tip of Stephenson Island between Nare Land and Wulff Land. All measurements have been restricted to the deck due to the fog.

In the midst of the fog the KTH-team has been preparing the uncrewed surface vehicle (Kunniganna/Queen) for deployment. We tilted the multibeam sonar to make it look sideways. The idea is to go near to an iceberg to get high resolution acoustic images of the submarine “wall”. Kunniganna is charged up, all system on and she is ready to go. For now she is stored in a warm container waiting for the grand opportunity.

The ping-pong tournament has started. This is a serious matter, and there is a lot of training going on in the evenings under the helicopter deck. The cinema club is organized, and a movie is shown every evening. Tonight, there will be a music quiz. The social events are picking up.

Today, 21 August, the sun is out again. Low wind and temperatures above zero make life pleasant. Oden is surveying the western entrance. Helicopters are flying in and out. One team is out at the glacier front, mapping the glacier using an ice-penetrating radar mounted on the helicopter. If successful, I will report back.

So long for the time being.

The KTH Team