- Underwater docking
- Classification of sonar data with deep learning
- Vehicle system performance optimisation
- Hydrobatics simulator
- Autonomous underwater perception
- Underwater navigation
- Robust, flexible and transparent mission planning and execution
- Multi-agent mission planning and execution
- Air-independent energy storage
- Autonomous situation awareness and world modeling
- Underwater communication
- Networking
- Demonstrator program
The aim of this project is to develop capability to operate Maritime Underwater Robots in collaboration with other underwater systems such as manned submarines, habitats or other unmanned systems, with focus on autonomous launch and retrieval of the underwater robot as well as sensing, autonomous guiding, docking system, transfer of data and energy.
Examples of applications are operating the underwater robot from the multi-mission portal on the next generation submarines, or to dock into an underwater habitat in order to exchange data exchange or charge energy.
Jakob Kuttenkeuler, professor KTH – Project leader
Filip Söderling – industrial PhD student Saab