Day 29: A raven appeared on our ship
We are stemming. Oden made an attempt to go through the ice northeastward, but it was too thick. For 24 hours we made 2 km progress. It would have been more efficient to walk to Svalbard. The plan changed and we are heading back to Thule, which freed up more research time for all the teams. There is a fair chance that we will be able to deploy the Autonomous Surface Vehicle named Kunniganna again to study either an iceberg or a glacier front. The latter would be amazing and super interesting. Oh yes, I almost forgot. A raven appeared two days ago and has stayed on the ship. It has become our favorite pet. There was a competition on what to call it and the winner was Hugin. Strange…. The Viking god Oden had two ravens and the Icebreaker has a small boat named Munin. A coincident?

A raven on the icebreaker Oden