Day 35: The final stop
We are approaching the end of the expedition. The final stop will be outside the Petermann Glacier. The sea is mostly open, very different from the Lincoln Sea, and there is little banging against the ice. The last three days have been windy and snowing, up to 30 m/s. The rocking was not that bad since we had been sheltered by the ice. The only activity possible to perform was mapping.
Getting closer to the end, I would like to take the opportunity to mention all the people who made this fantastic journey possible. For most Professor Jakob Kuttenkeuler that is the “father” of LoLo and made the expedition possible for KTH. Then Professor Nina Kirschner our PI leader, who has been coordinating our trials and who included us in her work package, and finally Chief Scientist Professor Martin Jakobsson who has been so kind to listen to our requests and navigated successfully the Oden expedition. All of whom this journey would not have been possible.

Part of the crew