Li Ling – Feb 11:
As our time at Dotson quickly comes to an end, we’ve been spacing RAN missions with quite short intervals and deploying her as soon as the data download finishes and the charging of the batteries is complete.
Today we ended up deploying at ~01:30 in the morning, perfect for me who’s been taking the night shifts, but completely off the circadian rhythm of Anders and Mark and Anna… The mission is ~26h, RAN is going 15km into Dotson!!! That means recovery at ~3 am tomorrow, but, well, at sea every minutes needs to be well spent.
The plus side of deploying in the morning? The possibility of seeing sunset and sunrise!

RAN deployment today with sunshine (This is the same site that we deployed ~2 weeks ago. Compared to the open sea then, there’s now quite a bit of sea ice)