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SAVE THE DATE – SMaRC PhD defenses

By September 18, 2023October 24th, 2023News

SMaRC PhD defenses

Sriharsha Vishnu Bhat
Thesis title: Hydrobatics: Real-time Control, Simulation and Learning for Underactuated AUVs in Agile Maneuvers
Date:  October 6. 14:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, KTH

Therese Tärnholm
Thesis Titel: Military innovation to build military capability, the case of uncrewed maritime systems
Date: Octobre 19, 10.00.
Place: E3, Osquars backe 2

Viktor Lidström
Thesis title:
On the Design of Noncoherent Acoustic Underwater Communication
Date:  October 25th, 2023 at 10:00 CET.
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 28, floor 2, Stockholm.
Zoom Link: Visit: and use Meeting Id 912 680 1846

Elias Strandell Erstorp
Thesis title:
More information will come
Date:  October 25th, 2023
Location: More information will come
Zoom Link: Visit: and use Meeting Id 912 680 1846

Other dissertation of interest:
Joana Filipa Gouveia Fonseca

Thesis title: Optimizing Ocean Feature Estimation and Tracking through Adaptive Sampling and Formation Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Date: 10.00am, 28th of September 2023
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 6, KTH